

Students must make satisfactory progress toward completion of their certificates/degrees at MCCC to be eligible to receive aid from the following programs: Pell Grant, 伊拉克和阿富汗补助金, 斯塔福德直接贷款, 直接PLUS贷款, 补充教育机会补助金, 联邦大学工作学习, 密歇根大学竞争性奖学金计划, 密歇根州学费奖励计划, 以及任何MCCC奖学金, 私人奖学金或平均绩点(GPA)或SAP要求的赞助账单.

在每个付款期(秋季、冬季、夏季)后对学业进展进行评估。.  为了有资格续签助学金,学生必须达到以下学术标准:

  • 学生必须保持最低累积平均绩点2.0.
  • 学生必须完成至少66.占总学分的66%.
  • Students may not receive financial aid once they have attempted a total number of credit hours that exceeds 150% of the credits required to complete their certificate or degree.

Students will be notified of their SAP status via email and Colleague Financial 援助 Self-Service after each evaluation period.

*请注意:  Determining 令人满意的学业进展 for each student requesting financial assistance at MCCC is based on an academic transcript review of all previous enrollments at MCCC, 包括未申请或未接受经济援助的时期.

学生的累积GPA必须达到毕业要求.  学生必须保持至少2分.累积GPA为0,以达到令人满意的学术进步,以获得经济援助资格.

  • 被取消的课程不包括在GPA计算中. 
  • 不完整的成绩不包括在GPA计算中.
  • 转学学分不包括在GPA计算中.
  • 作为及格/不及格的课程不包括在GPA计算中.
  • 非学分发展课程的成绩不包括在GPA计算中.

学生必须完成至少66.占总学时的66%. 66年.66% completion rate maintains a pace of progress toward a degree or certificate so that students will be able to complete their programs within the maximum time frame allowed for receiving financial aid. 

The pace of progression is calculated by dividing the student’s cumulative completed credit hours by the cumulative attempted credit hours. 尝试学时的定义是学生在100%学费退款期后注册的任何学分. 完成学分是指学生获得a级的学分, B, C, D, S, P, 或H(包括+ / -等级).  

  • 在此计算中,MCCC接受的转学学时包括尝试学时和已完成学时.  
  • Credit hours for courses dropped after the 100% tuition refund period are counted as attempted but not completed in this calculation.  
  • Credit hours for courses in which a student receives an I (incomplete) grade are counted as attempted but not completed in this calculation.
  • 通过/不及格课程的学时在此计算中计入尝试学分. 在此计算中,及格分数(P)算作尝试和完成的学分. 不及格的成绩(F)在此计算中视为尝试但未完成.
  • 在此计算中,非学分发展课程的学时计入尝试学分. 在此计算中,及格分数(H)算作尝试和完成的学分. 未通过的成绩(U)在此计算中被视为尝试但未完成.

Students working toward an associate’s degree or eligible certificate cannot receive financial aid if they have attempted more than 150% of the credit hours published as being required for the completion of the program.  最高限额适用于所有尝试的学分和转学时数, 无论学生是否获得经济援助来支付课程费用.  在学生尝试学分超过150%的时间框架后, 该学生不再有资格获得MCCC的联邦财政援助.

  • 在此计算中,MCCC接受的转学学时被视为尝试学时.  
  • Credit hours for courses dropped after the 100% tuition refund period are counted as attempted credit hours in this calculation.  
  • Credit hours for courses in which a student receives an I (incomplete) grade are counted as attempted credit hours in this calculation.
  • 通过/不及格课程的学时在此计算中计入尝试学分.
  • 在此计算中,非学分发展课程的学时计入尝试学分.

重复的课程将计入入学状态和尝试学分的确定.  Financial aid may be used to pay for repeated courses once for classes in which a student previously earned credit and for courses that need to be repeated for which credit has not been earned. 重复一门课程时, 最近获得的成绩是计算平均绩点的“记录成绩”.  请参阅中冶复读课程程序(评分系统,程序3).12a)查询详情.

注:虽然MCCC有学术宽恕政策(学术宽恕政策,政策3).31) that allows students to petition to have his/her GPA recalculated with failing E grades forgiven based on specific eligibility criteria, 联邦学生援助计划的规定没有规定学术宽恕的概念.  因此, courses that have been excluded from the student’s MCCC GPA calculation on the academic transcript based on the institution’s academic forgiveness policy may not be excluded from the GPA calculation required for monitoring SAP for financial aid eligibility.

在每个付款期结束时进行满意的学业进展计算. MCCC does not re-check SAP or re-calculate SAP as a result of a grade change that occurs between formal SAP evaluations. 所有职等的变动将在下一次计划的SAP评价中考虑.




当一个学生改变他或她的专业或学位, 令人满意的学业进展 for each student requesting financial assistance at MCCC is still based on an academic transcript review of all previous enrollments at MCCC, 包括未申请或未接受经济援助的时期. The calculation does NOT exclude courses attempted or grades earned while the student was working toward the prior major or degree.

另外, 如果学生返回MCCC获得第二个学位, 令人满意的学业进展 for each student requesting financial assistance at MCCC is still based on an academic transcript review of all previous enrollments at MCCC, 包括未申请或未接受经济援助的时期. 该计算不包括学生所修课程或先前学位的成绩.

未能达到最低GPA和/或66分的令人满意的学术进步标准的学生.66% completion rate in one semester will receive one subsequent term of financial aid while on Financial 援助 Warning status.  财政援助警告状态只持续一个付款期. 此状态只能分配给在先前付款期间符合SAP标准的学生.  

在警告期结束时, 仍然没有达到SAP标准的学生将没有资格获得经济援助.  然而,面临特殊情况的学生可能会对拒绝提供经济援助提出上诉.  参见章节 如何上诉? 有关令人满意的学术上诉程序的更多信息. 

Note: Students who have attempted more than 150% of the credits required in the certificate/degree program do not receive a Financial 援助 Warning period.  然而,他们可能会对经济援助的拒绝提出上诉.

When a student who is not making satisfactory academic progress submits a 令人满意的学业进展 Appeal to the Financial 援助 Office and that appeal is approved, 该学生将获得经济援助试用期.  获得经济援助试用期的学生有资格获得经济援助.  

作为经济援助缓刑状态的一个条件, 学生将被要求遵循一个学术计划,以保持有资格获得经济援助.  The academic plan is developed to ensure that the student is able to successfully complete his or her program of study at MCCC. 在经济援助缓刑期间, the student’s progress will be monitored by the Financial 援助 Office at the end of each semester to confirm that the student has followed the academic plan.  只要学生遵循学业计划,学生将仍然有资格获得经济援助.  不遵守学业计划将导致失去未来学期的经济援助资格.

在财政援助警告期结束时,学业进展不理想的学生, 已修满完成证书/学位所需学分150%以上的学生, 或接受经济援助试用期但没有遵守学业计划条款的学生, 会被分配到拒绝经济援助的状态吗. Students who are assigned the status of Financial 援助 Denial are ineligible for financial aid unless the student subsequently meets the required satisfactory academic progress standards or submits an appeal that is approved by the Financial 援助 Office.

被拒绝经济援助的学生没有资格获得联邦或州的经济援助, 但可以通过以下方式重新获得这些援助计划的资格:

  1. If the student continues to take classes at MCCC (and is not using federal or state financial aid to pay for those classes), 然后达到这些援助项目要求的学业进步标准, 该学生将重新获得在MCCC学习的资格.  
  2. If the student submits a 令人满意的学业进展 Appeal to the Financial 援助 Office and that appeal is approved, 该学生将获得经济援助试用期,并有资格获得经济援助, 只要学生符合已经为学生制定的学术计划的要求.

面临特殊情况的学生可以对拒绝提供经济援助提出上诉.  需要提供有关情况的证明文件.  学生必须书面解释为什么他或她没有取得令人满意的学业进步, as well as what has changed (including any actions the student has taken or will be taking) that will allow the student to once again meet the SAP requirements.


  • 你自己或直系亲属有健康问题
  • 直系亲属死亡
  • 生活中严重的创伤影响了你的情绪和/或身体健康
  • 其他无法控制的意外情况

All appeals and supporting documents must be submitted no later than the end of the 100% tuition refund period for the semester, 为了让学生获得该学期的考虑.  Appeals will be reviewed within 1- 2 weeks and students will be notified via a letter from the Financial 援助 Office of the outcome of the appeal.  如果上诉被批准, 学生的状态也将在“同事经济援助自助服务”上更新.  上诉应送交:


